Friday, November 8, 2019

Was Sigmund Freud a Fraud essays

Was Sigmund Freud a Fraud essays As a child a person had a painful experience. The older the person gets s/he starts forgetting about it, pushing it into his/her unconscious mind. Even though it is forgotten, it is still there and s/he starts to recapture the experience in dreams, confusing dreams with distorted images so s/he doesnt know what it means. S/he continues having the dream night after night. Finally s/he decide s/he had had enough. S/he makes an appointment with a psychoanalyst, where he will help s/he analyze his/her dream and find the root of his/her conflict; then hell help s/he cope with pain, so s/he can sleep better at night. Sigmund Freud (the father of psychoanalysis because of his interest with dream analysis), was able to use dreams as a key to unlock the unawareness level of our unconscious minds. His extensive work still contributes to the modern field of psychology. People have had many different opinions about Freud and his ideas. Some of them were good while others were just rude. Freud and his devoted followers thought of him as a great genius of history. Some psychologists today thought that Freud had many great ideas with lasting value, but some of his ideas were outdated for todays practice and others were just plain wrong. Yet the worst opinion about Freud is from scientists and researchers in other areas of psychology, who think of Freud as a fraud. (Wade s psychology? It is hard to believe that one man had so many different attitudes towards himself. One contribution he made to modern psychology is his theory on personality. this theory consisted of three systems: id, ego, and superego. The id is present with us at birth, but it is unconscious so we are unaware of its being there, and it has no contact with our environment. the id is the energy source for the other systems. It acts accordi...

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