Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Benefits Of Premarital Sex And Divorce - 968 Words

Waite and Gallagher also discuss the benefits that marriage gives to couples. Including the financial benefits, in that through specialization and by sharing incomes getting married boosts standard of living by thirty percent and this benefit is not incurred by cohabitating, as those who cohabitate do not share as much and are less committed to the wellbeing of their partner. In addition to the financial benefits, they also discuss the emotional benefits of knowing you have someone who loves you and who would take care of you. Children similarly benefit from having married parents as there are more financial resources available to help take care of them and they get to spend more time with at least one parent. Furthermore, it has been found that in addition to contributing to marital instability, premarital sex increases the likelihood that a couple will divorce. Joan Kahn and Kathryn London found that virgin brides are ten percent less likely to have divorced or separated than women who had not been virgins at marriage. They also discuss that this correlation between premarital sex and divorce can be explained in many different ways. The first is that it may be a direct effect due either to the â€Å"impact of premarital intimacy on subsequent marital quality or to the impact of having had other premarital sexual experiences on the level of satisfaction with one s spouse.† A second explanation is that there is an indirect effect and the correlation may be due to theShow MoreRelatedA Trending Lifestyle : Cohabitation1522 Words   |  7 Pagescontributing to the growth of cohabitation. Paul Glick and Graham Spanier (1980, 1981) detailed several reasons for the increase (as cited by Rouse, 2002, pp. 73-74): ï  ¶ Social trends: ââ€"  Greater tolerance of varied living arrangements and of premarital sex. ââ€"  Changing sex roles, so women feel more independent and comfortable with cohabiting relationships. ââ€"  Postponement of marriage. ââ€"  Financial considerations: increased cost of living (â€Å"two can live as cheaply as one†). ââ€"  Larger cohort (of baby boomers)Read MoreSocial Media And Its Effect On Society3005 Words   |  13 Pagesas overdramatized weddings and divorces. Respect has been lost as there are more and more reports of infidelity and less privacy of family and home life. Marriage was something that was once significant and held in high regards has fallen victim to the social construction of a newly defined meaning. One aspect that has changed marriage is the cohabitation between two individuals. Cohabitation encourages premarital sex. 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