Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sexuality and Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sexuality and Health - Essay Example Upon realising that he won’t be able to have sex anytime soon due to his condition, the patient decided to elicit assistance from the staff regarding procuring the services of a prostitute. In response, the request was escalated to the hospice ethics committee, as well as the legal department (The Independent 2008). Gorin and Arnold (2006) described the complex relationship between human sexuality and health. The term sexual health encompasses a number of phenomena mainly focusing on the health-related outcomes of sexual behaviour. A common perception regarding sexual health is that it is a quality or capability of an individual to avoid committing sexual acts which produce negative consequences such as the spread of diseases or unwanted pregnancies. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the term sexual health is defined as a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being in relation to sexuality, not just confined to the absence of disease, disability , or affliction. As such, sexual health should be positively viewed as a way of ensuring that individuals are able to create and maintain safe and pleasurable sexual experiences. In addition, sexual health advocates that a person’s sexual rights should be respected, protected, and fulfilled (Gorin & Arnold 2006). Healey and Zimmerman (2010) described the term disability as a frequently used term to denote an individual’s inability to perform tasks which are attainable for a normal human being. However, its definition depends on how it is used. For example, in terms of public health, disability may be perceived on how it affects the general population. In contrast, disability in the public welfare viewpoint may be seen in terms of the provision of services for persons with disabilities. For reasons of clarity, the following terms – impairment, disability, and handicap – are defined as per WHO guidelines. Impairment is defined as a physiological disorder or injury. On the other hand, having a disability is being unable to do a task due to one’s impairment. Meanwhile, possessing a handicap is a social result of being disabled (Healey & Zimmerman 2010). 1.0 The role of health promotion Kirch (2008) maintained that there is no standard definition of the term health prom otion and its definition would depend on the activity it is attributed to. As a generalized term however, health promotion is defined as a process or activity with the aim of encouraging people to take action regarding personal health behaviour and compliance to existing health policies and programs. There are four main components of individual health, three of which involves health promotion. These components are: (1) lifestyle and behaviour; (2) health, social, and other service provision; and (3) socio-economic and physical environment. In relation to the determination of health, health promotion encompasses activities which encourage individuals to act on certain internal and external aspects which influence overall health. Internal aspects refer to determinants of health which individuals have most control such as personal health behaviours. On the other hand, external aspects refer to health determinants in which individuals have very little control such as social, economic, a nd environmental conditions (Kirch 2008). The concept of sexual

Monday, October 28, 2019

Reimbursement and Pay for Service Essay Example for Free

Reimbursement and Pay for Service Essay Introduction In this paper we will discuss what pay for performance is and explain what the reimbursement affect is. In this paper it will show how the system figures out cost reduction and the impact of the quality care patients receive. How does reimbursement and pay for performance affect the physicians? Does this affect us now and will it in the future? Health care has been changing dramatically because of history, political and social along with economical reasons. Reimbursement and pay for performance can and may even change the quality of care. Pay-for-performance because our current payment system we are using is not emphasizing preventive care for patients or consumers. Pay-for-Performance is payment used in the health care it is and has been based off of clinical information. The idea is to help tie the payment to what and how well providers help the cost of health care drop. The intent is for preventive care medicine to helping decrease and help with the management of chronic illness. (Pay-for-Performance Incentive Programs in Health Care ( N.D.) With in several months studies have shown that the studies show that the pay for performance works and others that say it does not work. Effect of Pay-for-Performance on Reimbursement Here are some examples of pay for performance is Bridges of Excellent, which is a nonprofit health care plan. Its major factor is patients with diabetes. They feel like over 60% of patients with diabetes don’t get the proper treatment and care. The American Diabetes Association has standards and the Bridges to excellent plan gives annual bonuses to physicians in specific areas such as Boston, Louisville and Cincinnati these cities could and have meet the requirements of this health care plan. On this plan Diabetic care calls for the patient being compliant with care and medications. In this plan the blood sugar test and kidney function and retinal exams would have  to be done on a consistent bases. In this plan compensation is up to and over $100.00 per patient for the providers that stick to the rules. Another plan is Anthem Indianapolis this plan started in 1999 that employed over 25 OBGYN providers in Ohio. This is the oldest plan within the US. This plan is done on and by patient satisfaction. Providers push generic drugs instead of name brand ones. Pay For Performance Pay for performance is a movement in health care field. Providers under this arrangement are rewarded for meeting pre-established target dates for specific health care services or procedures. This is also known as P4P or â€Å"value-based purchasing,† this rewards physicians, clinics, and rehabilitation centers, Surgical clinics, hospitals, medical groups, and other healthcare providers. They are rewarded for meeting certain performance measures, as well as quality and efficiency. (Wachter, Bob; (2012) Pay for performance does things such as eliminating payments for negative consequences of care. Which can be medical errors from all health care providers. Errors have increased costs. With increase of seasoned senior citizens and disability patients the high rising cost of health care has brought the P4P to the front of the line. Brought P4P to the forefront of health policy discussions. There have been some studies done by several large healthcare systems. With this it has shown improvements with specific outcomes. A little efficie ncy has taken effect, but at no cost savings. How much are they really saving because the cost of administrative services is still required. Explains how reimbursement is affected by the pay-for- performance approach. Within the last decade or years the economy has had many people becoming unemployed and finding jobs at a lower pay rate as to where they cannot afford insurance because they are to high. With being done more people are applying for Medicaid and with all the seasoned senior citizens retiring and receiving Medicare these two insurances are already participating in this service. Majority of health care systems are participating. Many believe  that for- profit and non-for-profit health care facilities believe in lower cost for providers that meet the standards of quality care. Care field. There is a perception that cost is driving up health care treatment. Cost reductions lowers cost of visits, emergence room visits, and urgent care visits. It also helps providers to promote preventive care to their patients. Making sure that all hospitals and providers are on the same scale of service. Preventive care helps prevent insurance premiums from rising at cost to the company and consumer. Effect of Pay-for-Performance health care Providers and their Patients This plan has the support of providers, hospitals and even patients. With this pay for providers must have and use good judgment for treatment and medication and test that maybe ran. The health care cannot be rated by race, ethnic background, or the patient’s social status. This plan should not judge by a patient’s location. This plan is and should be a relationship between patient and provider. The provider needs to understand the patients beliefs and it may help them to treat them and respond to certain myths and recommendations that the provider may suggest. Hospitala and providers and helat care workers are being encouraged to buy into the P4P by different agencies and tahe government. Individual health plans area chiming in also. It has pros and cons such as weakness that may or may not improve health care. It is suppose to help lower or slow down ER visits and physicians visits. Now if the providers give quality and efficent care they would and could get financial rewards if patient care improves. P4P measures performance and policy set up for putting this service in action. Discusses the effects pay-for-performance will have on the future of health care The P4P effects that will be seen in the future of health care is that the health care field will see it expand. Pay-for-Performance-defined a reimbursement service that will have links to payments for quality care, which will be an incentive to help improve health care quality of patients by physicians, and hospitals. In improving health care it is suppose to reduce the cost of It was expected that hospitals and providers would respond to P4P incentives. For future health care will based on quality health care and it will become a contract for reimbursement. Patients should feel like they have gotten the  value of their money. One effect of future health care is those physicians and hospitals that don’t participate will be at less to receive patients. Patients that have this health care plan will be more apt to seek physicians that participate. (Goldberg, L; (2006) Conclusion People in the health care field are getting interested in the pay for performance because the health care guidelines and regulations are changing in Medicaid, Medicare and private insurance. More hospitals and clinics and specialty facilities and rehab centers are loving receiving incentives for their participation and in the process they are saving cost to patients and insurance companies. P4P is working with insurance companies and providers for the quality of care for patients to be improved. Now managed care is now looking at pay for performance. Reimbursement being linked to pay for performance is like being paid to shop for the best bargain or the most person to fit your needs.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Group Dynamics in Psychology Essay -- Papers

Questions and Answers About Group Dynamics in Psychology 1. How does each one of the two fit the definition of a group? Social- In my social group, it is clear that we are a collection of individuals guided by roles and norms. We, as friends, clearly influence each other, satisfy personal needs through association, and could be classified as a unit due to our common relation and degree of similiarity. I also notice a great degree of interdependence. That is, evnts affecting one tend to affect us all in some way or another. Work- Contrastingly, in my work group, I don't find as much similarity and personal need fulfillment. In this group, I observe a greater emphasis on goal achievement. At work, we achieve goals that we would otherwise be unable to accomplish individually. I also recognize a sense of interdependence as we are all affected by changes involving any single employee. 2. Name the five basic elements for effectiveness in groups and discuss each with respect to both groups. a) Positive Interdependence Social: In my social group for example, we often help one another such that we are able to accomplish group goals and wants. I remember one incident in high school w... ...ate into personal attacks. 10. Discuss the importance of action theory and learning to Group Dynamics (in your own words). How can your learning experience be enhanced by your behavior? In order to be an effective contributer to a group, one must be aware of the consequences of their various behaviors. In addition, one must have a well established set of action theories from which to choose when attempting to reach a desired outcome. Furthermore in order to ensure group success, individuals must be able to recognize when behavior becomes ineffective such that action theories can be modified. This learning process can be enhanced by the willingness to take risks and experiment with different behaviors. As Herbert Otto said "Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life".

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Paleys Arguement From Design, And Humes Counter-analogy :: essays research papers

Hume’s counter-analogy does not succeed in undermining Paley’s argument from design. Paley clearly explains to his reader that humans are so complicated that we must have been made by a designer. Hume argues that since the universe is not a human art, and is more like an animal, it does not need a designer. Paley argues that the complexity and functionality of a watch clearly shows that it was made by a designer. Animals are also complex and functional, therefore, Hume does not change the argument adequately enough to effectively counter it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Paley lays his argument as such: a watch is like the universe in complexity and functionality, a watch needs a designer, therefore, the universe needs a designer as well. Paley’s argument centers around the simile between a watch and the universe . He points out that the watch is complicated with many parts, yet all work together to form a functional machine. Paley shows in his argument that all the pieces of the watch are put together for a definite purpose. No matter how many watches were made before this one, Paley explains that the watch still has a maker. Watches cannot be designed by other watches, some superior being must have created at least the first one. The designer obviously understands how the watch works and how to create it to function properly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With this premise, Paley introduces the connection between the watch and our universe. He explains clearly that if a watch needs a designer, surely the far more complex universe should need one to. Paley justifies the existence of God through this watch and universe simile. He concludes that if a watch needs a superior designer, then the universe needs a maker as well, this maker being God.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hume attempts to counter Paley’s argument by saying that the universe is more like an animal than a work of human art. He says that because the universe is not a human art, it does not need a maker, just as animals do not need makers. Therefore, Paley argues, the universe also does not need a designer, and because of this, God does not exist. Hume does not effectively counter Paley’s argument because he simply replaces a complex watch with an even more complex animal in his statements. He does not successfully address the fact that animals were at some point created as well. Paleys Arguement From Design, And Humes Counter-analogy :: essays research papers Hume’s counter-analogy does not succeed in undermining Paley’s argument from design. Paley clearly explains to his reader that humans are so complicated that we must have been made by a designer. Hume argues that since the universe is not a human art, and is more like an animal, it does not need a designer. Paley argues that the complexity and functionality of a watch clearly shows that it was made by a designer. Animals are also complex and functional, therefore, Hume does not change the argument adequately enough to effectively counter it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Paley lays his argument as such: a watch is like the universe in complexity and functionality, a watch needs a designer, therefore, the universe needs a designer as well. Paley’s argument centers around the simile between a watch and the universe . He points out that the watch is complicated with many parts, yet all work together to form a functional machine. Paley shows in his argument that all the pieces of the watch are put together for a definite purpose. No matter how many watches were made before this one, Paley explains that the watch still has a maker. Watches cannot be designed by other watches, some superior being must have created at least the first one. The designer obviously understands how the watch works and how to create it to function properly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With this premise, Paley introduces the connection between the watch and our universe. He explains clearly that if a watch needs a designer, surely the far more complex universe should need one to. Paley justifies the existence of God through this watch and universe simile. He concludes that if a watch needs a superior designer, then the universe needs a maker as well, this maker being God.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hume attempts to counter Paley’s argument by saying that the universe is more like an animal than a work of human art. He says that because the universe is not a human art, it does not need a maker, just as animals do not need makers. Therefore, Paley argues, the universe also does not need a designer, and because of this, God does not exist. Hume does not effectively counter Paley’s argument because he simply replaces a complex watch with an even more complex animal in his statements. He does not successfully address the fact that animals were at some point created as well.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Easycar Swot Essay

EasyCar is one of the companies under the easyGroup brand name created by Stelios Haji-Ioannou. It is the fastest growing car rental company in Europe because it offers value for money. This is achieved by simplifying the car, and passing on the benefits to the customer in the form of a lower price. This low cost car rental idea is not for every consumer. Since the market is segmented into business and leisure travelers easyCar tries to focus all of its efforts to the price sensitive leisure segment. It has taken them two years for easyCar to break even, and Stelios intends to quadruple its sales in the next two years. Swot Analysis: Strengths: Leverage on established brand reputation of easyJet (by easyGroup): EasyCar is a member of the easyGroup brand which first developed the easyJet air carrier. The other companies under the easyGroup umbrella mimic the low cost, no frills business strategy. This business model has been quite successful in the rental car industry, has a presence in the internet cafà © industry, and easyCinema is expected to be launched soon. Competency of Stellos: Stelios Haji-Ioannou is an entrepreneur who founded easyJet, and has been expanding the easyGroup brand. Stelios is described as a flamboyant entrepreneur who has been aggressive in expanding his brand into many different industries that fit his low cost, no frills business model. Stellos’ excellence is a direct reason of how easyJet broke even after two years of operations. No agent (disintermediation): EasyCar has been able to maximize the amount of revenue they receive because they deal with the majority of the bookings themselves. For other rental car companies ninety percent of their bookings are made by agents (intermediaries), and these agents require a portion of their sales. EasyCar manages 100% of its rentals so it is able to gain the maximum amount of revenue. 90% utilization of assets: There are three main strategies that easyCar utilizes to gain the highest utilization rate out of the major car rental companies. Firstly, their information system evaluates projected demand, and expected utilization quite accurately, and adjusts price accordingly. Secondly, they only offer one car type on each lot. The customers know that and they will automatically be matched to any car in the fleet. This removes the risk of decreased utilization as a result of customer picking certain cars over others. Finally, they offer demand based pricing. This ensures that for any given demand the maximum number of cars are rented out. Weaknesses: Only one type of car: Having one type of car can also be seen as a negative to customers because it offers them no choice. If customers value selection and quality over price then they will not rent from easyCar. Process of car picking up is time consuming for customers, given the low staffing levels: When a customer wants to pick up a car they usually have to wait between a half hour and an hour at the lot to finally pick up their car. This inhibits the company’s ability to sell more in a day, and the customers become dissatisfied from waiting. Public relations issues regarding its policies: The Office of Fair Trading has passed legislation stating that easyCar has to grant customers seven days form the time they made a booking to cancel it and receive a full refund. The company is scared that this process will inhibit their plans for a 2004 IPO. They have also received bad press from their clean car policy. The company requires the car to be fully cleaned when returned, and it’s very strict regarding this policy. They have received some bad press, but 85% of their fleet are returned with an acceptable amount of cleanliness. Finally, there are many additional charges that are explained in the fine print. When easyCar first opened they received a lot of bad press because they didn’t explain their costs clearly. Recently they have been trying to make their charges more transparent to the customer. Opportunities: Expand into other European markets: Experts of the car rental industry feel that Europe is â€Å"ripe for consolidation.† This is significant since it will allow easyCar to work together in different countries across Europe and further strengthen its brand. Broaden the fleet size to offer customers more choices: To further expand easyCars market share they could offer more selection. Customers value choice, but this is only realistically possible if the prices remain low. Further develop the one hour car rental service provider: To compete with local transportation like buses and cabs they can target citizens of each city who only want to rent a car for an hour or a short amount of time to complete less time consuming tasks. Threats: Legal Challenges: If the company is unable to amend the seven day full refund law than there could be serious consequences. The utilization rate would be expected to fall from 90% to 65%, and it could also delay their expected 2004 IPO. There is also legal criticism with the posting of peoples faces on the website who have overdue cars. Competition: There are several internationally recognized car rental companies, and domestic companies that easyCar competes with. For example, domestic or national companies usually account for 50% of their country’s sales. New low cost companies are going to be popping up since they have seen the success of easyCar, thus easyCar needs to widen its gap between its competitors.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The 9 Worst Mistakes You Can Ever Make at Work

The 9 Worst Mistakes You Can Ever Make at Work Getting a reputation as someone who’s unprofessional is a kiss of death in any workplace. The minute coworkers (or, even worse, your manager) lose respect for you, the game is over. While you may still have a job, you’ll be surrounded by people who don’t trust you- an unpleasant experience for everyone involved. Here are some key mistakes to avoid if you want to remain at the top of your work game.1. BackstabbingIt may seem like a snide word behind the scenes is more efficient than a confrontation, but it will ultimately affect your reputation more than the colleague you made look bad. Don’t go over someone’s head to solve a problem. Instead, communicate and try to find a resolution that will make everyone happy.2. GossipingIt’s one thing to share information or backstory, but you’ll develop bad word of mouth if you’re constantly engaged in spreading negative rumors about other people. If it’s not constructive or producti ve, keep it to yourself- or share it with your boss if it’s serious enough that you need to speak up, but be accountable.3. Taking Credit for Someone Else’s WorkThis is just slimy- don’t steal ideals or misrepresent your work. Doing so will also make you look ineffective. If you had your own ideas, you wouldn’t need to steal, right?4. Emotional HijackingAlso known as losing your s#$@, a meltdown that involves yelling, throwing, verbal outbursts or making people cry is a fast way to destroy your credibility- or build a whole new credibility as a toddler who throws tantrums. Maintain your self control. Act like an adult. Whoever you blow up at doesn’t look as bad as you do.5. Announcing That You Hate Your JobIf it’s true, start job hunting and put on a good face so they’ll recommend you to your next employer. If it’s not, suck it up and look for ways to spread positivity at work!6. BraggingBe a pro; take your accomplishments in s tride. It’ll impress your friends and intimidate your rivals. Act like success is something you see every day and hardly notice any more, even (especially) if it isn’t true.7. LyingYou may want to protect yourself or someone else, but as soon as you start lying it’s a matter of time until you get caught! Even if it’s a small, unrelated lie, it can damage your relationships at work and your professional career.8. Smelly FoodTreat yourself to a lunch hour away from the office if you can’t resist your Indian leftovers or a Brussels sprout sandwich every day. Don’t sit in the break room- or worse, at your desk!- pretending nobody can smell what you brought from home. It’s distracting and takes forever to dissipate.9. Burning BridgesI still think fondly of the boss who laid me off, even 6 years later, because she made an effort to reach out to me afterwards, followed through on recommendations, and stayed in touch until I landed on my feet . She taught me how to handle even tough goodbyes- you also never know when you might need a connection made.On Mobile? Please Sign In Here to View Your Job Matches

Monday, October 21, 2019

Mountain Gorilla essays

Mountain Gorilla essays We all know that habitats of animals everywhere are being destroyed, but the extent of the problem is unimaginable. In recent years, the mountain gorilla population has been cut in half, and are now down to around 650 gorillas in the world. (3) If something is not done to maintain and expand the current Mountain Gorilla population, they may not be around much longer. There are three species of gorillas. The Mountain Gorilla is the largest of them all, and also the rarest. (6) They can be found in the Virunga volcano region in central Africa. The region is in three countries, Rwanda, Zaire, and Uganda. (6) A small population of Mountain Gorillas can also be found in Ugandas Bwindi national park. (7) Mountain Gorillas are the largest of all apes. The Mountain Gorilla is extremely strong, with broad shoulders and a short torso. The male of the species is consistently bigger than the female. They can reach up to 400 pounds for a male, and 200 for a female. (6) Males can reach around six feet tall, while females only grow to four or five feet while standing upright. (6) Males often times have a silver streak of hair running down their back and are sometimes referred to as silverbacks. (6) Mountain Gorillas eat a variety of food. They spend over half their waking time feeding. (1) Gorillas do eat meat, but it is confined to very small prey. (1) Gorillas eat millipedes, ants, and many other small arthropods. (1) Gorillas also eat a variety of vegetation, including roots, leaves, vines, and bamboo shoots. It is a common misconception that bananas are a large staple of the gorilla diet. Bananas are preferred by gorillas but do not grow in large enough quantity in central Africa to maintain A major cause of the lack of Mountain Gorillas in the world is their ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Use Extra Credit Effectively

How to Use Extra Credit Effectively The use of extra credit can be an effective teaching and learning tool in any content area classroom, but only if the extra credit is used in the correct manner. Generally, extra credit is offered to those students who want to bring up a GPA. Poor performance on a heavily weighted test or a paper or a project may have dropped a students overall grade. The opportunity for extra credit may be a motivational tool or a way to correct a misjudgment or miscommunication.  However,  if used incorrectly or inequitably, extra credit can also be a point of contention and a headache for the teacher.  Therefore, a teacher should take time to look at an offer for extra credit critically and consider the implications it may have for grading and assessment.   Pros of Using Extra Credit An extra credit assignment may provide students with an incentive to go above and beyond the class material. If it is used to enhance lessons, the offer for extra credit can help deepen the learning for students. It can also help struggling students by providing them with additional learning opportunities while allowing them a means to increase their grade. The extra credit may mirror the original assignment, be an alternative test, paper or project. There may be a section of an assessment that can be taken again or the student may suggest an alternative assignment.   Extra credit may also be in the form of revision. The process of revision, especially in writing assignments, can be used as a way to teach students to reflect on their progress and abilities in writing and take steps to strengthen it. Revision may serve to establish conferences to receive highly beneficial one-on-one attention. Rather than design new extra credit opportunities, a teacher should consider how he or she can reinforce the skills to improve student performance on a previously graded assignment.   Another method for extra credit is to give students a bonus question(s) on a quiz or test. There may be an option to answer an additional essay question or solve an additional word problem.   If extra credit is allowed, teachers may adopt the kinds of the assignments that are voluntary extra credit must still be assessed just as rigorously as the assessments for regular coursework. Perhaps there are extra credit opportunities that allow students to try extended activities such as inquiry projects based on  questions, problems, or scenarios. Students may choose to volunteer in the school community or in the community at large. By allowing the student the opportunity to choose how they will earn extra credit points could be a way to give them control over their academic achievement. After checking school policy, if you wish to offer extra credit in your class, you will need to make sure of the following: Do connect your extra credit to other lessons in class or to classroom pertinent current events.Do provide the same extra credit opportunities to all students.Do consider your grading time when assigning extra credit.Do make extra credit assignments interesting and pertinent for students.Do tell your students when you assign extra credit how much it will be worth and how you will grade it.Do make sure that you are not outweighing your required assignments with points for extra credit.Do set a clear deadline for when extra credit is due. Cons of Using Extra Credit On the other hand, too many opportunities for extra credit in a course could result in an  imbalance in grading. Extra credit assignments could outweigh the required assignments, and the result could mean that a student would pass a course without meeting all the standards.  Extra credit that is graded for a â€Å"completion† grade can skew an overall grade. In the same vein, some educators believe that extra credit reduces the importance of curriculum assessments by providing students with a way to circumvent the curriculum. These students could avoid  requirements by still have the ability to increase their grade. Moreover, an extra credit assignment could boost a GPA, but obscure a students actual academic ability. There are also some schools that have a no extra credit rule in their policy handbook. There are some districts that want to eliminate the extra work a teacher has to do after assigning extra credit. Some general rules to consider are: Do not create extra credit assignments that are unconnected to your curriculum or standards.Do not grade each students extra credit using different standards.Do not create so much extra credit that students are able to pass without completing the required work.Do not make spur of the moment extra credit opportunities that are not equally available to all students.Do not allow busy work like copying from a book to be extra creditDo not allow students to turn in late extra credit as this is just an accounting nightmare.Do not create extra credit assignments that the educational value is not equivalent to the student or teacher effort involved.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Utube Video - Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Utube Video - Reflection - Essay Example Unlike Mr. Bennet though, I never bring myself to admit that in public. Rather, it is a distance that i allow to fester until it destroys the relationship I have with the family member. Now I realize that it is never a bad thing to admit guilt for it can help to build or rebuild relationships instead. I am happy that I heard his message. It has helped me to change my outlook in life. Jamaica Orsorio speaks of how the immigrants of America have forgotten their homeland roots so much that they no longer even recall their parents original names. She speaks of the pain of losing ones heritage forever as the immigrant becomes more Americanized in look and language. With their adaptation of the American way of life, their roots shall die because no one shall be left to remember how their race once lived. Immigrants are people who come to the United States for a better life. Unfortunately, the better life means having to let go of their past. Ignoring their heritage and adapting the new one for their benefit. As I listened to Ms. Orsorios words, I could not help but wonder about how her message did not apply merely to her race, but to all the immigrants living in the United States. Heritages die out because of the Americanization of immigrant families. It makes me wonder if their immersion into the American way of life is a bad or good thing. After all, culture and heritage are the ways by which civilizations continue to grow and evolve. Once people forget their roots, their culture and heritage dies. I am quite sad as I sit here imagining a world with with only culture and heritage which is what will happen to the United States as the immigrant families continue to adapt to the American way of life. However, maybe, just maybe, it is a necessary evil that in turn helps the American w ay of life

Friday, October 18, 2019

Non Profit Organizations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Non Profit Organizations - Research Paper Example The friend should expect a great deal of difference as per her working domains. For starters, she must understand that this is a wholly differential undertaking and it would mean that she will have to undergo work which is haphazard and without any due incentives coming to her fore. She will have to comprehend how as being the Marketing Manager at Coca Cola will she replicate the same within her realms at the not for profit organization. There is evidence in the form of understanding that the not for profit organizations do not bring in that many incentives and bonuses which Coca Cola might promise at any given times. This is suggested by the company policies of the two institutions – the not for profit organization and Coca Cola. Since Coca Cola is a thriving business which is based upon the premise of raking in a profit on all counts, the not for profit organization does not exist as such1. There is reason enough to believe that the not for profit organization would bank sol ely on getting the job done and would not warrant any benefits for its employees in the long run. Therefore, one must understand that the giant corporate enterprise (Coca Cola) would be better placed to give her a better career opportunity than the one which has been promised by this not for profit organization.... This is not the case within her role at Coca Cola where she worked as the Marketing Manager. She should expect to see that people are more laidback in their nature whilst working for the not for profit organization as they do not receive any benefits as such. This would mean that there are anomalies of different kinds and shapes within the reins of the organization2. Also what is important here is an understanding that Coca Cola believes in catering to different audiences all over the world and its scope is more broad which is not the case with the not for profit organization where their limitations are many and their incentives are minimal to state the least. In essence, these are some of the most important issues that could be drawn up within the realms of the comparison that is done for this friend whilst choosing the not for profit organization over her present day Marketing Manager role at Coca Cola. 2. You are the Marketing Director of a non profit organization focused on promo ting healthy eating habits of young school aged children. How would you do this? As the Marketing Director of a non profit organization which basically believes in inculcating healthy habits within kids to eat good food, I would first and foremost ask the publics to engage with my organization in an able capacity. Since I am the one who would have to oversee the reins of the non profit organization, my role becomes magnanimous all this while. I would have to find ways and means through which my company can move forward with distinction and a sense of ease and empathy coming from the realms of the different players that are present within the non profit industry as well as the general public for whom my organization is in operation. Therefore, my role becomes

Social Networking and the Impact on College Life Research Paper

Social Networking and the Impact on College Life - Research Paper Example Social media websites have been thus affecting school and college students’ grades because students end up spending more time on websites rather than studying. Most students, when asked how they spend their day, reply by stating that they spend their hours after school or college in front of the computer, on websites like Twitter and Face book. These websites take up all their time because the new generation is obsessed with documenting their every thought on the internet. Moreover, they like checking into places on their Face book, updating their status and spend hours on a single photograph that someone would have tagged them on, commenting. All these activities eat up into their study time and they fail to get good grades or concentrate in the classroom due to being so hooked on to these websites all the time. The focus of this paper is on college students because school children can still be controlled by their parents and are under the regulation of their parent’s watchful eye. Once in college, a student is on his own, leading his own life and seldom listens to what the parents say, especially if he lives away from home. Such f reedom tends to override the child’s life, leading him into spending his time in the most non productive and enjoyable manner possible. By this I mean to say that the internet can be a very productive place to be as it has so many websites full of information and learning; one can enrich himself by reading the news as well, however college students seldom tend to do that, unless the news presents itself in the form of a Face book update. Almost 96% of college students are on Face book all the time and even if they study, they tend to keep checking their Face book page for updates every half an hour, if not lesser. This hinders work because it reduced the concentration span of the student. (Akhtar, Shabbir) Â  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Rhetoric of Pork Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Rhetoric of Pork - Essay Example Then he proposes some opinions and arguments to clarify making the avoidance from pork-consumption a commandment – they consume and stagger in smut, their flesh transmits disease – then enlightens why they mustn’t fulfill the logic. If there is a dire necessity, other farm animals will consume feces, moreover all undercooked meats have the possibility for scattering disease. The clarification he puts forth takes a methodology that has more to do with the economics and the assets needed to raise pigs for getting meat. Beasts that have ruminating bellies do quite fine with ingesting hard plants and grasses that human cannot consume, whereas pigs have bellies that resemble more with human beings and need to stake in the same food source. Pigs also need shadow or some exterior method of cooling their bodies, which is the reason they are observed to lurch in filth. Even the space is not well-matched for raising pigs, particularly with developing human inhabitants. Pig s flourish better in dense forests; whereas the needs of more human population causes woodlands to be wiped off to make room for harvesting fields. The area then starts to look more like a desert, plus it gets pricier to raise swine since their necessities are tougher to provide. In brief, Harris’ concept is that the prohibition of pigs arises out of the unwieldiness of nurturing them. It is very unlike the commonly supposed and argued cultural characteristic of not eating pigs. Jewish community in the United States, for instance, has no environmental need to keep abstinence from eating pork since the meat is supplied figuratively on a shoestring and American people on the whole are also not contending with pork for particular diets. Arguments of Mary Douglas Douglas proposed that food proscriptions sanctioned by religion as cited in Deuteronomy and Leviticus are amongst the resources by which particular groups uphold their preservations and exclusiveness, therefore providing them a robust identity or social emblems.  More tangibly, when a person declares his association with a certain group that he/she respects as his self-enclosed universe and outside whose boundaries he sees risk, menace, and hostility, he concurrently summons—openly or covertly—the many emblems of his social identity. There must be compactness between outrages that will make complete sense of all specific limitations. These prohibitions contaminate the individual, so by not consuming the vile animals, one can be clean or 'Holy', so these eating guidelines one way or another demonstrate holiness. Holiness is extensiveness, harmony, amalgamation, excellence. Holiness connotes protecting discrete classes of design. It includes specific definition, discernment and direction. The animals presented in sacrifice must be without imperfection, just like females must be cleaned after giving birth, so must the lepers be parted and ceremonially cleaned.  For instance, in the t ime of Leviticus, filthy lifestyles of a warrior prohibited him from combating. Animals that are hoofed and chew cud (sheep, cattle, goat, etc.) are  farm  animals used by the early Hebrews, therefore they are the appropriate food of these folks and a fragment of the social command. These are the means of support of the Israelites, so they are deliberated pure. The pig is also vile since it does not produce milk like cattle, yarn or hide like sheep so there is

Distance Education (online education) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Distance Education (online education) - Essay Example However, it is to be born in mind that many of the distance learning systems also follow the semester system or quarter terms in terms of their academic schedule and the learners are asked to submit assignments and projects via Web or e-mail. Most of the online courses are either instructor-led or instructor-facilitated courses. Similarly, the online education system offers opportunity for the learners to receive timely instructions, clarifications and guidance from the instructors via internet. In the same way, the distance education emphasise that education is a continuous life long process and even learners who are unable to attend regular schooling or on-campus programs can achieve various degrees at the Associate, Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate levels. This paper seeks to explore the various aspects of distance education and in doing so the paper also deals with the major advantages and disadvantages of distance education (online education). The success or failure of distance education depends on various components. As Helm & Helm point out, â€Å"the electronic mail (e-mail), scheduled internet relay chat, and the World Wide Web are considered internet based components to online distance learning courses† (Helm & Helm 2) and therefore it is imperative that aspirants who wish to join online courses should have the necessary infrastructure for the same. Similarly, knowledge of the technology and essential computer skills are the two necessary prerequisites for online education and as Johnson and Manning point out, online education benefits the learner the most as one can plan one’s own schedule, save time and money, can complete many courses sooner than the regular stream, and can get rid of all sorts of pettiness and bias that prevail in traditional classes (Johnson, & Manning 12). Convenience and flexibility are the two factors that attract many learners towards distance or online

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Rhetoric of Pork Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Rhetoric of Pork - Essay Example Then he proposes some opinions and arguments to clarify making the avoidance from pork-consumption a commandment – they consume and stagger in smut, their flesh transmits disease – then enlightens why they mustn’t fulfill the logic. If there is a dire necessity, other farm animals will consume feces, moreover all undercooked meats have the possibility for scattering disease. The clarification he puts forth takes a methodology that has more to do with the economics and the assets needed to raise pigs for getting meat. Beasts that have ruminating bellies do quite fine with ingesting hard plants and grasses that human cannot consume, whereas pigs have bellies that resemble more with human beings and need to stake in the same food source. Pigs also need shadow or some exterior method of cooling their bodies, which is the reason they are observed to lurch in filth. Even the space is not well-matched for raising pigs, particularly with developing human inhabitants. Pig s flourish better in dense forests; whereas the needs of more human population causes woodlands to be wiped off to make room for harvesting fields. The area then starts to look more like a desert, plus it gets pricier to raise swine since their necessities are tougher to provide. In brief, Harris’ concept is that the prohibition of pigs arises out of the unwieldiness of nurturing them. It is very unlike the commonly supposed and argued cultural characteristic of not eating pigs. Jewish community in the United States, for instance, has no environmental need to keep abstinence from eating pork since the meat is supplied figuratively on a shoestring and American people on the whole are also not contending with pork for particular diets. Arguments of Mary Douglas Douglas proposed that food proscriptions sanctioned by religion as cited in Deuteronomy and Leviticus are amongst the resources by which particular groups uphold their preservations and exclusiveness, therefore providing them a robust identity or social emblems.  More tangibly, when a person declares his association with a certain group that he/she respects as his self-enclosed universe and outside whose boundaries he sees risk, menace, and hostility, he concurrently summons—openly or covertly—the many emblems of his social identity. There must be compactness between outrages that will make complete sense of all specific limitations. These prohibitions contaminate the individual, so by not consuming the vile animals, one can be clean or 'Holy', so these eating guidelines one way or another demonstrate holiness. Holiness is extensiveness, harmony, amalgamation, excellence. Holiness connotes protecting discrete classes of design. It includes specific definition, discernment and direction. The animals presented in sacrifice must be without imperfection, just like females must be cleaned after giving birth, so must the lepers be parted and ceremonially cleaned.  For instance, in the t ime of Leviticus, filthy lifestyles of a warrior prohibited him from combating. Animals that are hoofed and chew cud (sheep, cattle, goat, etc.) are  farm  animals used by the early Hebrews, therefore they are the appropriate food of these folks and a fragment of the social command. These are the means of support of the Israelites, so they are deliberated pure. The pig is also vile since it does not produce milk like cattle, yarn or hide like sheep so there is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How and why is the idea of redistribution of equal resourses Essay

How and why is the idea of redistribution of equal resourses challenged by the idea of equal opportunity and recognition - Essay Example This is because these regions hold almost 80 percent of the world’s wealth. The Korean Peninsula, for instance, holds a fifth of the entire world’s wealth. The south is represented by Africa and Latin America (Shafir and Brysk, 2006). This region, compared to the rest of the world records high levels of poverty, ravaged by disease and is characterised by overall underdevelopment. Despite calls for re-distribution to reverse this trend, the recently emerging call for free-market thinking has placed re-distribution advocates on the defence. Nevertheless, equal claims for re-distribution have contributed a paradigm case for most theories that regard social justice for the past one hundred and fifty years (Fraser and Honneth, 2003). However, in the contemporary world, there has arisen another second kind regarding claims for social-justice referred to as politics of recognition (Robinson, 2003). The objective of the politics of recognition, in its most feasible shape, is a world that is keen on embracing the varied diversity that characterises humanity. Proponents of recognition call for a world where there will no longer be assimilation to majority cultural norms that are prevalent and dominant whereupon the consequent subscription to such norms is equated to the ultimate price of equal respect. A case in point would be calls to recognise diverse ethnic points of view as well as distinctive sexual and racial minorities as well as differences in gender. In the recent past, this claim has been on the rise among political philosophers. Additionally, the said political philosophers seek to endear their effort towards developing a distinct school of thought for justice centred on recognition. On overall basis as Bauman (1998) observes, it follows that the world is faced with a fresh constellation. The subject matter for social justice has now taken a dual perspective as it is split between recognition on one hand and re-distribution on the other. However,

Campus Recreation Essay Example for Free

Campus Recreation Essay Sheer volume of participants and diversity of facilities make this an exciting area Def – a program that provides facilities and activities to those that go to school or work at a high school, college or university Intended to promote wellness and develop life long skills Can serve the local community through special memberships or facility rentals Campus recreation gains thousands of new participants every year loses thousands as well Participation can have a significant impact on the campus environment Approx 75% of students participate in campus rec High campus participation can be related to higher GPA Facilities are used to recruit student athletes and potential faculty/staff Individual involvement in has been reported to produce 3 benefits: improved emotional well-being, reduced stress improved happiness Correctional Recreation. Role that recreation plays in correctional facilities varies but there are some standard approaches that have been used throughout North America: Access to appropriate forms of recreation should not be denied Goal of incarceration is to prepare offenders for release and since recreation is part of a normal balanced lifestyle, it must be incorporated into correctional facilities Correctional facilities have a responsibility to â€Å"work† the whole person, which involves the mental, social, physical and spiritual needs of prisoners 1. Develop acceptable outlets for stress – inmates learn to identify and practice acceptable way to relieve stress 2. Identify activities that serve as alternates to addictions – replace time previously devoted to drug use with rec activities 3. Foster interpersonal skills – learn cooperation and team work through rec programs 4. Develop a new sense of purpose – help to guide thinking and future behaviour 5. Enhanced self-esteem – positive rec activities will improve this 6. Foster new interests – provides an outlet to new experiences 7. Awareness of personal needs – recreation can provide appropriate ways to satisfy specific needs 8. Develop decision-making/problem solving skills – recreation allows participants to experience and process the impact of their decisions 9. Develop a possible career – creative skills can be identified and channelled (e. g. music, writing) Worksite Recreation s the offering of recreational activities through the workplace Programs are offered before work, at lunch or after work. Employers have learned that the investments they make in employee health/wellness have a positive benefit financially Benefits employer in recruitment and retention of employees Reduced health care claims Reduced absenteeism Enhanced business image within community Armed Forces Recreation Military recreation programs are founded on 7 principles: 1. Provide inclusive, creative diversified recreation 2. Address physical, emotional social interests 3. Making optimal use of their resources 4. Leadership development 5. Create opportunities for individual and group growth 6. Nurture partnerships with other rec organizations 7. Ensure that rec services are governed in accordance with Canadian military financial management policies Defining Culture Consists of 3 attributes: religion, language social/arts activities Culture influences what we do and how we do it Culture helps to understand our behaviours, attitudes and mindsets Multiculturalism Act (July 1988) – Commits the Gov.. of Canada to assist communities and institutions in bringing about equal access and participation for all Canadians in the economic, social, cultural political life of the nation 1. Ethnicity Theory – Differences in leisure choices is due to ethnicity, cultural values preferences 2. Sociodemographic Theory – Differences in ethnic group participation are actually due to differences in age, education income 3. Opportunity-choice Theory – Considers leisure participation to be influenced by both ethnicity sociodemographic factors Aboriginal People Recreation can be used as a means to alleviate social problems Within the Aboriginal community recreation is recognized as a way to combat: Youth criminal involvement. Teen pregnancy Alcohol abuse Family violence Unemployment It fills the free time of the youth Expenses Structural Expenses – expenses associated with maintaining or improving the physical structure of the facility/site Gross Income – the total amount of money generated over a specified amount of time Net Income – the remaining funds after all expenses have been paid (profit) Fees/Charges Rentals Donations Sponsorships Budgeting – Four types of operating budgets: Line-item Budget Object Classification Budget Program Budget. Performance Budget Recreation Facility Management Management an art that coordinates the efforts of people to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively Recreation Facility Management is an interdisciplinary field devoted to the coordination of space, infrastructure, people and organization, often associated with the administration of office blocks, arenas, schools, convention centers, shopping complexes, hospitals hotels employees, money, equipment and facilities marketing Def. – the effort to reach and audience to deliver them a product/service Marketing can be divided into the 4 P’s: Product, Promotion, Price Place Special Recreation Special Recreation – a recreational service that takes place in a public community setting to provide enjoyment and to challenge and enrich people with disabilities Special Olympics ;Provides sports opportunities to people with intellectual disabilities More then 3 million participants worldwide Includes more then 25 sports (swimming, track field) Paralympics. Largest sporting event in the world for people with physical disabilities 21 sports 6 categories – visual impairments, intellectual disabilities, amputation, spinal-cord injuries, cerebral palsy â€Å"les autres† First Paralympics held in 1960 in Rome Offers disabled war veterans an area of sport to develop after injuries Outward Bound Developed in Wales in 1941 Believes young men women must face increasingly complex situation in which self-esteem confidence are at a premium Prepares people to face difficult natural environments. Programs for special needs youth developed in 1970’s focusing on strengthening mental aspect and self-confidence VSA Arts International non-profit dedicated to creating a society in which people with disabilities can learn through, participate in enjoy the arts Offer innovative programs on local, national international levels (e. g. Training institutes, arts camps award programs Therapeutic Recreation Purposeful selection of recreation activities to reach a goal 2. Enhancement of independent functioning through recreation participation 3. Quality of life, wellness, optimal health as core concerns 4. Focus on the individual in the context of their own environment TR Process Assessment . Planning Implementation . Evaluation Recreation Sport Management Participation in rec sports surpasses that of all other rec activities In 2009 77% of Canadians 6 yrs and older participated in some form of sport or fitness activity Once considered only a diversion from work, sport has become a multi-billion dollar industry Much of a fan or participants time and money is devoted to their sport or team. Def – the administration and management of a large number and variety of sport, fitness, and recreation programs Focuses mainly on the business 5 basic programming areas: Instructional sports – teach skills, rules and strategies in a non academic environment Informal sports – self-directed participation focused on fun and fitness Intramural sport – structured sports (leagues/tournaments) conducted in a particular setting Extramural sports structured sports between winners of intramural programs Club sports – groups of participants that organize because of a common interest Trends. Funding Legal Aspects Sport Facilities Technology Sport Facilities Technology Health – a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease Wellness Def The condition of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise, and habits Genetics Race or ethnicity Access to health care 4. Environment 6 wellness dimensions: Physical Wellness Intellectual Wellness Emotional Wellness Social Wellness Environmental Wellness Spiritual Wellness.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tourism Development In Rome Tourism Essay

Tourism Development In Rome Tourism Essay The food; the original Italian cuisine, the weather, the habits, the Italian temperament of the people in Rome, represents a big part of the Italian culture. However, the city is a live market and sells from each attractions souvenirs, guided tours to the city or specific tour experiences, local products, to the airlines, the 100.000 beds ( from hostels to villas) and restaurants and bars a tourist would visit in order to feel like a local Roman. Furthermore, Rome first became a major artistic center during ancient Rome, due to the evolvement in architecture, painting, sculpture and mosaic work. Also, the city was influenced and inspired by the baroque, and Rome became the home of famous figures of the time; artists and architects, such as Bernini, Caravaggio, Carracci etc. This fact attracts people interested in art for the galleries and the museums. Metal-work, coin die and gem engraving, ivory carvings, figurine glass, pottery, and book illustrations are considered to be minor for ms of Roman artwork. Rome hosts the Cinecittà   Studios, the largest film and television production company in the Italian cinema, where a large number of the biggest Italian box office hits are filmed. Nowadays, many tourists visit the Dolce Vita city in order to see where some remarkably artistic jewels were filmed. Tourism Development in Rome The citys utter aim is to conserve the right balance between development and conservation. The effect of this planning approach is that focusing on enhancing Romes status of by governmental action for the tourism resources only, which may lead to new imbalances in the current level and potential of development of the urban/metropolitan region of Rome. The city has always been an important destination for international cultural and religious tourist flows, and for many decades such role has been almost unintentional as did not require specific planning measures given the importance of the amenities provided. In recent years, local government investments have promoted a tourism offer which is still strongly linked to the historical artistic value of the city center, also in the attempt to lengthen the average tourism stay. (as seen to Appendix 2) During the last decade there is a rapid development in the city tourism with a growth rate more than double, in contrast with the mass tourism. The city-breaks trips are already a fact in the international tourism. The city-break trips consists one of the most important tourism moves of the European metropolitan destinations, especially on weekends. The noticeable increase in the city tourism is related with the changes in lifestyle. Today people work harder, with larger working mobility in contrast to the past. They have less vacation days and the demand is focusing on more and short trips. In the same time, new growth perspectives were created by the abrupt development of low-budget airlines (Easyjet, Ryanair) More than 50% of those trips are by air and the 40% with really cheap flights. Moreover, the city-breaks are not affected by seasonality, which is a major problem for tourism. Rome was always a destination that attracted peoples attention. During the centuries Rome has been an Empire center, a religious focal point, a major archaeological hub and an artistic limelight. However, the popularity of the city had its shifts because of the social, financial or political circumstances. Eventually, all destinations enter the market maturity leading to a decline in tourists. The managers and the policy makers in order to prevent the tourist decline have to reposition the destination appeal. Nonetheless, Rome is not a mature destination. No matter how many shifts Rome had, it cannot be considered as a mature destination. In 2007, Rome was the 11th-most-visited city in the world, most visited in the European Union, and the most popular tourist attraction in Italy. Its historic center is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Monuments and museums such as the Vatican Museums and the Colosseum are amongst the worlds 50 most visited tourist destinations (the Vatican Museums receiving 4.2 million tourists every year) (see Appendix 3). In 1960 Rome hosted the Summer Olympics. The city also played host to the Eurovision Song Contest in 1991 and the MTV Europe Music Awards in 2004. Rome has been ranked currently by the Global Cities Index (GaWC in 2010) as a beta+ world city, with a score of 2.56 in the 28th position, falling down from its alpha- status in 2008 and being the highest-ranking city in Italy. Furthermore, Rome was in 2008, also ranked 15th out of all the cities of the world for global importance, mainly for cultural experience. Rome is also widely acknowledged as a world fashion capital. It has been ranked the worlds 4th most important center for fashion in the world (Capital, 2009) after Milan, New York and Paris. International and luxury fashion houses are headquartered or were founded in the city. However, Rome with a new branding marketing tries to be an emerging destination and to provide to the tourists something new. It is a de stination widely known for its history, the culture, the cuisine and the attractions. The difference between mature and emerging tourism; is that Rome reached the peak of its status and even if there were some years that the tourism income and arrival numbers were diminished, the image policy and the brand marketing strategy made Rome competitive again to its rivals; Paris and London. Rome attracts more tourists than any other Italian city. Type of Tourists It is supported that 12 million of tourists visit Rome. The most usual type of visitors Rome has is: anyone studying art history, architecture or archaeology in Italy or member countries for city-break trips. Also, sometimes school groups, art experts and collectors and fashion icons visit the city for educational, business reasons or shopping. Rome as one of the most romantic and picturesque city worldwide, attracts many couples, too, just like the religious tourism, due to the Vatican, the Catholic Church center. It is a destination that lures people of all generations and, social levels to the world famous Romes attractions. Apart from traditional tourism, Rome is also currently living a productive moment on the economic and social scale, and has operations that are typical of global cities, in that it can also attract tourism flows that are not essentially for holidays. According to a research (ESPON, 2006), Rome is classified as a metropolitan growth destination; a city for the mass tourism, competitive, and is connected with the ranks to the two European competitors of London and Paris. The Tourism Department of Rome and Lazio together with APTRL, the operating institution responsible for the actual promotion of the region, will attend the ATM with the tourist board for Italy at Arabian Travel Market. Furthermore, in 2008 the Italian government started The Second Tourist Centre project, in order to revolutionize the appeal and promotion campaign of the Rome area. The Capital will be able to diversify and boost its appeal. Through its Second Centre the Capital is aiming to propel the historic core of the city and to carve out a major role also in those corners of the market which had been rarely appreciated, such as, for example, trade fairs, tourism conferences, sports and recreational activities, archaeological sites, natural reserves, ports and airports. In these areas, they are focusing on the facilities. A variety of structures (theme parks and congress halls) will improve the image of the city looking to the needs and demands of every kind of traveler, from leisure-seekers to businessmen. It is a new-look Capital, offering a much broader range of entertainment and cultural attractions. Stakeholders and the Tourist System. Stakeholders are essential to a tourist destination, since they can influence the growth of an area. Stakeholders can be categorized in: the public sector, the private sector, voluntary sector, community and tourists. For the case of Rome, numerous stakeholders are associated some of them forming partnerships, but all working towards the development and rehabilitation of Rome. Tourists Tourists are the basic stakeholders of Rome and of every tourist destination, without whom there is no tourism industry and general no tourism. They expend millions of euros every year by visiting Rome and have an impact on the town, for example by reducing unemployment using the local people. Tourists impact to the towns development is significant; their needs and demands can create trends and affect the international tourism market. ENIT: National Agency of Tourism (ENIT: Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo) Enit was established by the government and has already almost one hundred year old activity of promoting Italy as a tourist destination. ENIT has institutional autonomy with regards to management, accounting and organization, under the direction of the Minister of Tourism. ENIT is responsible for promoting Italy and each region, like Rome, as a tourist destination. It promotes the various touristic aspects of Italy as a whole and sets up the promotional strategies on a national and international level, with the aim of informing countries abroad of what Italy has to offer as a tourist destination, so motivating tourism in Italy. Enit provides consultation and assistance to the Italian State, the Italian Regions and to other public organizations with regards to tourist promotion of products, allowing them to tailor commercial strategies that allow Italy to present itself in an effective manner on the foreign markets. It organizes consultancy services, assistance and collaboration in fa vor of public and private bodies, by including regional offices and agencies, to promote and to better develop the hospitality sector, as well as providing information to tourists. (Turismo, 2005) Enit is an important help for Romes promotion, but the help would be more significant if it was specialize only in Lazios region. is an independent, non-commercial website designed to obtain visitors and new arrivals to Rome with essential information about Rome and its surroundings. (, 2009) Turismo Roma Turismo Roma is Romes tourist portal. The Offices responsibilities are to be responsible for the management of tourist welcome services. It organizes the promotion of events in Italy and abroad. It raises Romes profile in Italy and abroad. It participates in Italian and international tourist fairs and coordinates of projects aimed at increasing the arrivals of tourism during low seasons. Also, Turismo Roma is responsible for tourist publications to promote travelogue on the subject of the citys historical and cultural legacy and the coordination of Second Tourist Polo (Centre) projects. (Roma, 2008) Recommedations The city of Rome aspires to increase the number of travelers with a Second District of attractions in the Eternal City. These attractions are irrelevant with the churches and archeological sites in order to attract new visitors and those who have already visit Rome but would only make another visit to experience something completely new. Mauro Cutrufo, Romes Vice mayor, claimed that Rome has made an increase of 1 million visits from 2009 and is expected to be doubled in 2011. Rome succeeded to attract the Chinese market by a astonishing 400. Nevertheless, Rome is not pleased with the 14 million tourists Rome had in 2010 and try to compete Paris and Londons activity and arrivals. Besides the big targets of a Formula 1 race in Rome by 2013 and the Olympic Games of 2020, Rome aims to a recreation with green parks, new golf clubs, expanded congress and fair events, and new facilities to improve the yachting and sailing due to revive alternative tourism. Those projects are in the most advanced stage and Rome is awaiting to their results. (Rome, 2011) Word Count 2645 Executive Summary This portfolio provides a designation and analysis of the current tourism development in Rome, the originating markets and type of visitors as well as the stakeholders and the way they Influence Romes growth. This paper approaches the subject through demonstrating and analyzing statistics and tables about the visitor flow in Rome through the years. All these can be found in the appendices.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Langston Hughes Essay -- essays research papers

Langston Hughes is a key figure in the vision of the American dream. In his writings his African-American perspective gives an accurate vision of what the American dream means to a less fortunate minority. His poetry is very loud and emotional in conveying his idea of the African-American dream. Most of his poetry either states how the black man is being surpressed or is a wish, a plea for equality. He does not want the black man to be better than everyone else, but just to be treated equal. Able to meet their dream with the same level of success and failure as everyone else. This is most simply stated in Hughes poem I Dream a World. Hughes begins the poem by stating:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  “I Dream a World where man   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No other man will scorn,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Where love will bless the earth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And peace its paths adorn'; (World Lines 1-4) Here Hughes is stating very generally and unspecific how he wishes for peace and love. Something that everyone would like but will probably never come true. This statement is an excellent attention getter. It tells about a dream that everyone would like without singling out any group of people to blame for the dream not coming true. Then as the poem goes on he gets more and more specific. Hughes then goes on to dream that everyone “Will know sweet freedoms way,/Where greed no longer sa...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Imagery in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

What Mark Twain is trying to portray in this part of, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is that Boggs is plainly looking for trouble, and Colonel Sherburn is as well. In this part of the book, Boggs comes galloping along on his horse, to town where he wants to kill Sherburn. His motto, â€Å"meat first, and spoon vittles to top off on† (107) is referring to him killing Colonel Sherburn and then eat him up in a sense of having pride that Boggs defeated someone. When I was reading this part of the novel, I pictured Boggs as a mid-aged, really large man.Also, the book said he had a really red face so it made me picture him getting out of breath easy. Losing his breath foreshadowed a bit to me that he was the one that was going to be defeated, being â€Å"weak†. As Boggs was trying to act strong and brave, it turned out that Sherburn was the brave one, I pictured. Sherburn seemed like he just walked out of the store in Arkansas in a brave matter, with no care in the world aft er he gave that speech. Colonel Sherburn seemed sick of Boggs running his mouth, and so he shot Boggs multiple times. The word â€Å"bang! kept appearing in this chapter, and it showed me how Sherburn wanted to do what he thought was necessary, though he was frustrated a bit. What really caught my eye was when they were trying to keep Boggs alive, and they put a Bible over his chest and under his head. This made sense that they thought, through their religion, that that could help Boggs out and that the Holy Spirit would bring him back to life, but unfortunately they did not. When first reading this, chills were brought to me with the smell of really fresh air and the sound of huffing and puffing as Boggs kept gasping for that sweet air.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Daycare vs. Home for Children Essay

Introduction Nowadays parents are forced to put their children to daycare because both have to work to support family. While daycare are keeping children from infant to older age and for parents are much easier to put their children to day care, there is a great deal of issues about impact behavior. This is particular for children staying to day care long time. Therefore some parents compulsory put their children to daycare. This essay will argue strongly should having children at home. It looks of daycare children behavior and specifically of understanding a difference between children in daycare and children who take at home. Firstly, there is evidence to suggest that per_school children who stay at home get individual attention so it helps to development the strong bond between the children and their mothers. For example, for infant is good time to stay at home with their mothers and having feeding face to face. Quoted (Lees,2006) 70 percent of children that had weak bond with their mothers and 90 percent of children whose having behavior problem such as emotional problem, displayed out bursts or confident with others children, they had not been in a strong bond properly in first 24 months. Therefore, It is clear per_school children who stay at home get more attention that it helps to development their social _emotional in later. Another argument supporting the preschool children should not go to daycare is that children have a negative effect on behavior. Most the children who attend to daycare are from different family with different culture also education. They might be inappropriate play skills or behavior problems. As well the preschool children easily learn from each other’s whole behavior and skills during play times, for this reason have seen behavior problems in per_school children who attend in daycare such as lying, cheating, rudeness, defiance. According to (Lees, 2006) the children who demonstrate behavior problems and also is so tough for their parents to control their bad behavior, they have been attended in daycare 20 hours daycare or more per week. A third reason is spread epidemic daisies in daycare. The children in daycare have proven to get four times sick as children who stay at home. There are millions of bacteria in daycare to children get easily sick. Cold and flu are most common diseases which is easy to treatment while some diseases are difficult to treat. For example, ringworm and chicken pox both of them are so common in daycare and treat difficulty. In addition in the air condition dust is another problem, especially for allergy and asthma suffers. Therefore it is clear those children who stay at home protected of disease. However, there are some parents believe that per_school children who go to day care are better prepared for school. Some believe they learn discipline by sitting the mat being quiet, problem solving and how to shear. As well the children who attending to day care have ability to communicate well with other children. As cited in (VAIMOSO, 2012) â€Å" kids who have gone to preschool or kindergarten come prepared to listen, they socially interact. They recognize letters and numbers, which is big step†. Furthermore, attending to day care could be beneficial both for children and parents also is the big step for them to be successful person in society. In conclusion parents should not send their per_school children to day care. The reason being the children who attend daycare can develop negative behavior and are placed in a epidemic diseases as well it is better for them stay at home where they have individual attention. I suggest if can somehow be cut or eliminate unnecessary bills during this important stage of per_school children life, could be better having one parent stay at home with them per_school children. It is therefore clear that if per_school children stay at home it is both beneficial for children and parents.

Attitudes Towards Error Correction Essay

Introduction The present study focuses on the way in which error correction is done and the significance of errors in the Romanian context. In designing it, I did not use my knowledge on causes of errors as I was not interested to find out whether it can be established a correlation between students’ mother tongue, the target language and the production of errors. I oriented this study towards a narrower issue: the attitudes of teachers, students and native speakers of Romanian towards error correction. In order to do this, I used the following classification of correction techniques: self – correction, peer correction and teacher correction. My research instrument for finding out teachers’ and learners’ attitudes towards error correction was the questionnaire. In constructing my questionnaires my sources were David Nunan’s books entitled ‘Language Teaching Methodology. A Textbook for Teachers’ (1991) and ‘Research Methods in Language Learning’ (1995).The questionnaire is a research instrument which involves asking questions of other people and it is classified as ‘introspective’, since it involves respondents reporting on themselves, their views, their beliefs and so on. According to Nunan (1995:115) ‘introspection is the process of observing and reflecting on one’s thoughts, feelings, motives, reasoning processes, and mental states with a view to determining the ways in which these processes and states determine our behaviour’.Very often the questionnaire is answered by reading the questions and then ticking responses, or by writing in short answers. Thus, it is easier for the researcher to deal with the data collected and this is one of the reasons I chose it. The Theory of Questionnaire Design and Analysis Questionnaire preparation †¢Purpose The first thing to be very clear about was the purpose, that is, I had to know exactly the reason why I was setting up the questionnaire and what I wanted to find out. I tried to imagine the range of responses in order to know whether they would tell me what I needed to know. †¢Handling the data Again, it was important to imagine the completed responses. They needed to be in a form that was simple and convenient to analyse. This meant organising the questionnaire form so that it would be easy for me to record and discuss the results. †¢Practical details I needed to know how many copies of the questionnaire I would need and how I was going to ensure the maximum return completed questionnaires. †¢Anonymity I established whether the questionnaires were going to be anonymous. In case of anonymity, people might be more honest and informative in their responses. In case of non-anonymity, I might have been able to have follow-up interviews on selected questionnaires. I might also have been able to send reminders to those who had not responded. Questionnaire Design †¢Clarity It had to clear the informants why they were filling in the questionnaire: what was intended to achieve. It had to be clear whether or not the questionnaire was supposed to be anonymous. The instructions had to be very clear and explicit. The informants had to know whether the answers were to be ticked, crossed, circled or written out and where. †¢Simplicity I needed to know whether the questionnaire was laid out in a straightforward manner and whether the layout helped respondents to find their way through it. †¢Types of questions Questionnaire items can be relatively closed or open ended. A closed item is one in which the range of possible responses is determined by the researcher. In contrast, an open item is one in which the subject can decide what to say and how to say it. Questionnaires can consist entirely of closed questions, entirely of open questions, or a mixture of closed and open questions. The advantage of closed questions is that they usually make the questionnaire easier and quicker to fill in. they also make for quicker and more reliable scoring of the responses. The disadvantages of the closed questions are that they usually take longer to devise than open questions. Instructions on how to answer them have to be very clear. This means that the questionnaire designer has to anticipate all or most of the possible answers, so there may be little unexpected information in the responses. One corresponding advantage of open questions is that they are comparatively easy to design, but one may have some difficulties in trying to score and analyse the responses. It is also likely that responses to open questions reflect what the respondent wants to say. †¢Relevance Probably the most frequent mistake in designing questionnaires is asking unnecessary or irrelevant questions: for example, wanting to know whether the respondent is male or female, when his information has nothing to do with the purpose of questionnaire. †¢User – friendliness A lot of what I have been saying can be summarised by making the point that, since no one enjoys answering questionnaires, they should be made as ‘user – friendly’ as possible. This means they should not be too long, they should not be intensive (e.g. by asking questions that may embarrass the respondents) and they should not be confusing or perplexing. Piloting the Questionnaire An issue that affects questionnaires is that they should be piloted to see whether they work as planned. Even if I was going to distribute only a small number of questionnaires, I had to try them out on one or two people beforehand. In the piloting stage, I inquired: †¢whether the instructions were clear and easy to follow; †¢whether the questions were clear; †¢whether the respondents were able to answer all the questions; †¢whether the respondents found any of the questions irrelevant, patronising or irritating; †¢how long the questionnaire took the respondents to complete; †¢whether the respondents had any comments or suggestions that would help to make my questionnaire more effective. I piloted my questionnaires on two students. Drawing on the lessons learnt from the pilot I made the following changes: †¢I gave clear written instructions; †¢I eliminated questions five and six as they weren’t very clear and their answers were included in the variants of question seven †¢I changed the third variant from question three. Instead ‘uncomfortable’ I used the term ‘embarrassed’ as I thought that when producing an error students might show a sensation of embarrassment. This may be the result of teacher’s and even their classmates’ presence, more than a sensation of discomfort, which cannot be clearly defined. The questions that were unclear were given clear instructions about how to answer them. I tried to make my questionnaire user-friendly by changing the introduction. The questionnaire for learners was given in Romanian, as my subjects were beginners. As I was interested in teachers’ opinions I constructed a separate questionnaire. I piloted it on one teacher. After the piloting stage I made the following changes: I made my questionnaire user friendly by changing the introduction and I gave clear instructions about how to answer the questions. In addition I made a questionnaire for native speakers of Romanian as I thought that by administering it I might get useful and interesting opinions that could help me draw some conclusions concerning error correction in general and not necessary in the context of teaching / learning English. The purpose of questions Questionnaire for learners of English Question 1: to see how they find out learning English. Question 2: to find out what importance students give to error correction Question 3: to see how they feel when committing an error Question 4: to see whether they learn from their errors Question 5: to see what correction techniques students usually prefer Question 6: to find out which correction techniques students find more useful Question 7: to see whether they are interested in the errors committed Question 8: to find out what colour students prefer the teacher to use when providing correction Questionnaire for teachers of English Question 1: to know what is the respondents’ experience in teaching English Question 2: to see how they found teaching English Question 3: to find out what colour teachers use when providing correction Question 4: to find out the way in which correction is carried out Question 5: to find out the way in which they correct errors Question 6: to know what correction techniques teachers use in classroom Question 7: to find out which of the correction techniques teachers find to be more useful Question 8: to see whether they are aware of students’ feelings concerning correction Question 9: to know what they think to be the results of correction Questionnaire for native speakers of Romanian Question 1: to find out the respondents’ age Question 2: to know how they find learning a foreign language Question 3: to see what importance they give to correction Question 4: to see their attitudes when committing errors Question 5: to see whether or not they learn out of correction Question69: to find out what correction technique they prefer Question 7: to see what correction techniques have a greater utility Data Analysis I have administered the questionnaires to 10 students (beginners, studying English as a foreign language), 10 teachers of English and 10 native speakers of Romanian. When selecting the teachers I thought of getting answers from different ones, that is from middle school teachers, high school teachers and even university teachers. I also chose teachers being in their first years of teaching and experienced ones. The native speakers of Romanian were selected on the following criteria: they had nothing in common with the context of teaching / learning and they did not learn any foreign language except for the period when they were students, but they do not use it anymore. Quantitative Data Analysis The questionnaire for learners of English Q1. Nine students consider English as being easy to be learnt and one student considers it difficult to learn. Q2.All the students say that it is very important ‘being corrected’ Q3. Seven students feel encouraged when their attention is drawn to errors committed, while three students feel discouraged about this. Q4. All the students argue that they learn from their errors. Q5.Seven students say that they prefer to be corrected only by the teacher, while three prefer to correct themselves after the teacher has indicated the errors. Q6.All the students consider that they learn more from the correction provided by the teacher. Q7.All the students say that when they get back their papers with correction provided by the teacher, they look at them in order to avoid the errors committed. Q8.All the students say that they prefer their teacher to use a red pencil when correcting their work. The questionnaire for teachers of English Q1.Five respondents have been teaching English between 0-3 years, four between 4-6 years and one for more than 10 years. Q2.Seven teachers find teaching English to be difficult, while three find it easy. Q3. Eight teachers say that they use red colour when correcting students’ work and one teacher says that he / she uses a pencil when doing this. Teacher 4 says that he / she uses both red and blue. Q4.Five teachers write in the correct form when correcting errors, four give hint what it should be and two simply indicate something was wrong. Q5.Four teachers write in the correct form when correcting errors, four give hint what it should be and two simply indicate something was wrong. Q6.Three teachers say that they use only teacher correction in classroom, while two say they use peer correction. Five teachers use more than a correction technique. Here are their answers: Teacher 1 uses both self-correction and peer correction. Teacher 4 uses peer correction and teacher correction. Teacher 5 uses self-correction and teacher correction. Teachers 6 and 7 use all the techniques. Q7.Six teachers consider that self-correction helps students improve their knowledge, one teacher considers that it is peer correction that helps students and one teacher considers that teacher correction helps students more than the other two correction techniques. Teacher 6 considers that all types of correction techniques help students, while Teacher 7 considers that only self-correction and teacher correction is useful. Q8.Four teachers say that the students feel discouraged when given back a paper full of corrected errors, four say that students feel embarrassed, while two say that students feel encouraged. Q9.Eight teachers think that students learn from the corrections they provide for a written paper, while two teachers think that students don’t learn from this. The questionnaire for native speakers of Romanian Q1.The respondents are between 22 and 57 years old. Q2.Six of them find easy to learn a foreign language, while four find it difficult. Q3.Nine respondents consider correction as being very important, while one respondent ranks it as important. Q4. Nine respondents say that they feel embarrassed when their attention is drawn to errors committed while one respondent feels encouraged about that. Q5.All the respondents say that they learn from the errors they usually commit. Q6.Five respondents express their preference for self-correction, while five prefer to be corrected by other people. Q7.Five respondents argue that they learn more from self-correction and five say they learn more from the correction provided to them by other people. Qualitative Data Analysis The learners of English and the native speakers of Romanian consider learning a foreign language, English in this case, to be easy. Conversely, the teachers consider teaching English to be a difficult task. All the respondents consider being very important to be corrected when committing an error. That is why they argue that they usually learn from the errors committed in order to avoid them. Both learners and teachers of English showed their preference for teacher correction in the classroom. However, few students prefer self-correction, but only after the errors have been indicated to them by the teacher. I consider that to be a different way of teacher correction, a more blurred one. What I mean is that teachers should give learners a free hand in correcting errors, but also in getting them used to the identification of errors. I think this is one of the reasons why students, although some of them prefer self-correction to be used, argue that they learn more from the corrections provided by the teachers. They are not accustomed yet to freely express their opinions and I would argue that this might be owing to the tradition of learning in Romania. However, teachers argue that students learn more from self-correction. Taking into account the ideas provided by Julian Edge (1993:10) regarding self-correction: ‘People usually prefer to put their errors right than be corrected by someone else. Also, self-correction is easier to remember, because someone has put something right in his or her own head’, one may say that teachers are absolutely right when maintaining this point of view. But how can students learn more from self-correction if the majority of teachers argue that they usually prefer teacher correction as a technique? However, there are some teachers who use self-correction in classroom, while some use peer correction. Of course, when using peer correction one must keep in mind the disadvantages of this technique. Regarding the way in which teachers correct learners’ written work it was surprising to find out that some, not too many anyway, do not correct any of the errors committed, but simply indicate, probably by means of symbols or underlining, that something was wrong. They use red for correcting errors and this is in agreement with learners’ expectations about this matter. The utilization of a different colour, when correcting errors, that is red, may be explained as a way of making students be more aware of the errors they commit. As a conclusion of the matter of correction techniques, I consider that all of them (i.e. self-correction, peer correction and teacher correction) should be used in classrooms, either when correcting written work or speaking. That is why some of the teachers who were administered the questionnaire chose more than one answer to the question dealing with this issue, being aware of certain advantages, and even disadvantages which, of course when noticed, should be avoided while using one or another correction technique. The following table summarises the respondents’ attitudes towards the correction techniques and their usefulness.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Exam questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Exam questions - Essay Example In addition, exchange rates can make it quite difficult or easier for foreign competition to penetrate the local markets. Exchange rates can also have a direct impact on the losses and profits in a business. Fluctuations in exchange rates can negatively or positively affect both exports and imports. Thus the cost of raw materials that are imported could be more or less on the basis of the exchange rate between two trading nations which may lead to either hard or easy export. When more money is used in producing goods which are exported to a different nation with a less currency rate, it leads to those goods being less priced leading to the business having losses. Because of these changes in exchange rates when importing or exporting, the government gets interested in the exchange rates between currencies of other countries. Thus whenever goods are produced in a different nation, the government concentrates on selling of those goods so as to get more money from other nations from its exports. Production of such goods is usually done at low prices making use of the currency with the country having low currency rate and then profits are gotten by selling the produce in a country having a high currency rate. Such conversion of currencies in the production as well as selling of a similar product is aimed at earning profit. In addition, the government is dependent on some controls that control the exchange rate and these controls are long-term, medium-term and short-term. For instance, in short-term, the major banks like Central Bank operate with foreign markets by either beginning to buy or sell its currency. The interest rate on currency on the medium term can be regulated to make profit only. On the other hand, on the long-term, management of the economy is in such a manner that it results in a direct increase in the demand and value of the products manufactured in the nation (imports) with the demand for foreign currency also increasing. For a country