Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Essay --

Whether it is a manmade or natural disaster, it definitely includes risk, vulnerability, and hazards. The characteristics of a disaster or unpredictability, unfamiliarity, speed, urgency, uncertainty and the threats writes wicked story of destruction on the earth. Disaster management and defense system: Dealing with and avoiding the risks resulted through a disaster is known as disaster management. This operation includes preparation ahead of a mishap and disaster response. It is a long-term process which continues as an effort, sometimes a group effort, to runback the normal life process by avoiding or eliminating the scratches of the disaster. Individuals, communities or the social groups help themselves and others in disaster management through supporting and reconstructing the society. Natural disasters have no specific schedule or targeted place to happen as it happen anywhere, anytime. Yes, every local and central government has their own disaster management wings but they can’t guarantee you complete protection on-spot or on-time. Just ponder; you are enjoying a family vacation out station and sudden you get an alert of storm! In this situation, you are the only person to safeguard you and your family rather than a trained disaster management volunteer. So, all of us need to be prepared to prevent a harassing situation which is not mentioned in your day-planner. Disaster management and safety tips: The following safety tips for some critical natural disasters will help you a lot in future. Disaster management strategies for every type of disaster include a three stage planning and execution tactic i.e. before– during – after the disaster. Safety Tips for Earthquakes: Before earthquake: A safety plan plays a vital role i... ...dates from TV and radio. If you experience smooth jerks or found a crack is increasing in your wall, immediately leave that place to a safer place where you will be safe. Don’t stand under any buildings or river-side or on the border of a heap. After landslide: Don’t go near or into the slide areas just after the landslide as there should be risk of further slides. Help and organize relief operations for the trapped people. Check the condition of the home before living in it. For long-term solution, you can contact the geological department or local administration for developing an evacuation strategy. To protect the greenery, health and wealth, a strong action plan against manmade disasters and complete knowledge regarding natural disasters is required. Education awareness in Odisha is a helpful stuff to spread the voice of safe environment among the common people.

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