Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Campus Recreation Essay Example for Free

Campus Recreation Essay Sheer volume of participants and diversity of facilities make this an exciting area Def – a program that provides facilities and activities to those that go to school or work at a high school, college or university Intended to promote wellness and develop life long skills Can serve the local community through special memberships or facility rentals Campus recreation gains thousands of new participants every year loses thousands as well Participation can have a significant impact on the campus environment Approx 75% of students participate in campus rec High campus participation can be related to higher GPA Facilities are used to recruit student athletes and potential faculty/staff Individual involvement in has been reported to produce 3 benefits: improved emotional well-being, reduced stress improved happiness Correctional Recreation. Role that recreation plays in correctional facilities varies but there are some standard approaches that have been used throughout North America: Access to appropriate forms of recreation should not be denied Goal of incarceration is to prepare offenders for release and since recreation is part of a normal balanced lifestyle, it must be incorporated into correctional facilities Correctional facilities have a responsibility to â€Å"work† the whole person, which involves the mental, social, physical and spiritual needs of prisoners 1. Develop acceptable outlets for stress – inmates learn to identify and practice acceptable way to relieve stress 2. Identify activities that serve as alternates to addictions – replace time previously devoted to drug use with rec activities 3. Foster interpersonal skills – learn cooperation and team work through rec programs 4. Develop a new sense of purpose – help to guide thinking and future behaviour 5. Enhanced self-esteem – positive rec activities will improve this 6. Foster new interests – provides an outlet to new experiences 7. Awareness of personal needs – recreation can provide appropriate ways to satisfy specific needs 8. Develop decision-making/problem solving skills – recreation allows participants to experience and process the impact of their decisions 9. Develop a possible career – creative skills can be identified and channelled (e. g. music, writing) Worksite Recreation s the offering of recreational activities through the workplace Programs are offered before work, at lunch or after work. Employers have learned that the investments they make in employee health/wellness have a positive benefit financially Benefits employer in recruitment and retention of employees Reduced health care claims Reduced absenteeism Enhanced business image within community Armed Forces Recreation Military recreation programs are founded on 7 principles: 1. Provide inclusive, creative diversified recreation 2. Address physical, emotional social interests 3. Making optimal use of their resources 4. Leadership development 5. Create opportunities for individual and group growth 6. Nurture partnerships with other rec organizations 7. Ensure that rec services are governed in accordance with Canadian military financial management policies Defining Culture Consists of 3 attributes: religion, language social/arts activities Culture influences what we do and how we do it Culture helps to understand our behaviours, attitudes and mindsets Multiculturalism Act (July 1988) – Commits the Gov.. of Canada to assist communities and institutions in bringing about equal access and participation for all Canadians in the economic, social, cultural political life of the nation 1. Ethnicity Theory – Differences in leisure choices is due to ethnicity, cultural values preferences 2. Sociodemographic Theory – Differences in ethnic group participation are actually due to differences in age, education income 3. Opportunity-choice Theory – Considers leisure participation to be influenced by both ethnicity sociodemographic factors Aboriginal People Recreation can be used as a means to alleviate social problems Within the Aboriginal community recreation is recognized as a way to combat: Youth criminal involvement. Teen pregnancy Alcohol abuse Family violence Unemployment It fills the free time of the youth Expenses Structural Expenses – expenses associated with maintaining or improving the physical structure of the facility/site Gross Income – the total amount of money generated over a specified amount of time Net Income – the remaining funds after all expenses have been paid (profit) Fees/Charges Rentals Donations Sponsorships Budgeting – Four types of operating budgets: Line-item Budget Object Classification Budget Program Budget. Performance Budget Recreation Facility Management Management an art that coordinates the efforts of people to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively Recreation Facility Management is an interdisciplinary field devoted to the coordination of space, infrastructure, people and organization, often associated with the administration of office blocks, arenas, schools, convention centers, shopping complexes, hospitals hotels employees, money, equipment and facilities marketing Def. – the effort to reach and audience to deliver them a product/service Marketing can be divided into the 4 P’s: Product, Promotion, Price Place Special Recreation Special Recreation – a recreational service that takes place in a public community setting to provide enjoyment and to challenge and enrich people with disabilities Special Olympics ;Provides sports opportunities to people with intellectual disabilities More then 3 million participants worldwide Includes more then 25 sports (swimming, track field) Paralympics. Largest sporting event in the world for people with physical disabilities 21 sports 6 categories – visual impairments, intellectual disabilities, amputation, spinal-cord injuries, cerebral palsy â€Å"les autres† First Paralympics held in 1960 in Rome Offers disabled war veterans an area of sport to develop after injuries Outward Bound Developed in Wales in 1941 Believes young men women must face increasingly complex situation in which self-esteem confidence are at a premium Prepares people to face difficult natural environments. Programs for special needs youth developed in 1970’s focusing on strengthening mental aspect and self-confidence VSA Arts International non-profit dedicated to creating a society in which people with disabilities can learn through, participate in enjoy the arts Offer innovative programs on local, national international levels (e. g. Training institutes, arts camps award programs Therapeutic Recreation Purposeful selection of recreation activities to reach a goal 2. Enhancement of independent functioning through recreation participation 3. Quality of life, wellness, optimal health as core concerns 4. Focus on the individual in the context of their own environment TR Process Assessment . Planning Implementation . Evaluation Recreation Sport Management Participation in rec sports surpasses that of all other rec activities In 2009 77% of Canadians 6 yrs and older participated in some form of sport or fitness activity Once considered only a diversion from work, sport has become a multi-billion dollar industry Much of a fan or participants time and money is devoted to their sport or team. Def – the administration and management of a large number and variety of sport, fitness, and recreation programs Focuses mainly on the business 5 basic programming areas: Instructional sports – teach skills, rules and strategies in a non academic environment Informal sports – self-directed participation focused on fun and fitness Intramural sport – structured sports (leagues/tournaments) conducted in a particular setting Extramural sports structured sports between winners of intramural programs Club sports – groups of participants that organize because of a common interest Trends. Funding Legal Aspects Sport Facilities Technology Sport Facilities Technology Health – a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease Wellness Def The condition of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise, and habits Genetics Race or ethnicity Access to health care 4. Environment 6 wellness dimensions: Physical Wellness Intellectual Wellness Emotional Wellness Social Wellness Environmental Wellness Spiritual Wellness.

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