Saturday, October 26, 2019

Group Dynamics in Psychology Essay -- Papers

Questions and Answers About Group Dynamics in Psychology 1. How does each one of the two fit the definition of a group? Social- In my social group, it is clear that we are a collection of individuals guided by roles and norms. We, as friends, clearly influence each other, satisfy personal needs through association, and could be classified as a unit due to our common relation and degree of similiarity. I also notice a great degree of interdependence. That is, evnts affecting one tend to affect us all in some way or another. Work- Contrastingly, in my work group, I don't find as much similarity and personal need fulfillment. In this group, I observe a greater emphasis on goal achievement. At work, we achieve goals that we would otherwise be unable to accomplish individually. I also recognize a sense of interdependence as we are all affected by changes involving any single employee. 2. Name the five basic elements for effectiveness in groups and discuss each with respect to both groups. a) Positive Interdependence Social: In my social group for example, we often help one another such that we are able to accomplish group goals and wants. I remember one incident in high school w... ...ate into personal attacks. 10. Discuss the importance of action theory and learning to Group Dynamics (in your own words). How can your learning experience be enhanced by your behavior? In order to be an effective contributer to a group, one must be aware of the consequences of their various behaviors. In addition, one must have a well established set of action theories from which to choose when attempting to reach a desired outcome. Furthermore in order to ensure group success, individuals must be able to recognize when behavior becomes ineffective such that action theories can be modified. This learning process can be enhanced by the willingness to take risks and experiment with different behaviors. As Herbert Otto said "Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life".

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